what is web design?

The design is the process of gathering ideas, and aesthetically organization and implementation, guided by certain principles for a specific purpose. Web design is a similar process of creation, with the intention of presenting the content of web webpages, end users can access the internet using a web browser.

Elements of Web Design
Layout: This is how graphics and text ads are placed . In the web world , a key objective is to help to find the information they need at a glance . This includes the maintenance of balance, consistency and integrity of the design.

Color: The color choice depends on the purpose and customers, it could be simple black and white to multi -colored design, transportation of a person's personality or the brand of an organization , using Web -safe colors .

Graphics : The graphics can include logos , photos , clipart or icons , all of which improves the design of Web sites. For ease of use, they must be appropriately placed , together with the color and content of the web page without making it too crowded or slow to load .

Fonts: The use of different fonts can improve a website design . Most Web browsers can not read a number of fonts, called " web -safe fonts " so that your designer will work in this group generally widely accepted.

Content: The content and design can work together to improve the site's message through visuals and text. Written text must always be relevant and useful, so as not to confuse the reader and give them what they want if they remain on the site. The content must be optimized for search engines and be of an appropriate length , incorporating relevant keywords.

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